Through us, you will recover lost funds that will boost revenue and maximize
revenue cycle solutions
Fluctuating regulations and policies affect how payors rewrite their contracts, making them much more complex than in the past.
For this reason, you need a modern, comprehensive platform that identifies areas of opportunity within the revenue cycle to allow you to quickly react to recover losses and prevent re-occurrence.
DENIALS: 1 in 5 claims are denied on the 1st pass
An estimated 65-90% of denied claims are recoverable.
Unresolved denials equate to an average 3.3% net revenue loss per year.
While many systems manage denials, claims paid in the amount of $0 often fall through the cracks and can be lost or forgotten as an underpayment.
The average 350-bed hospital is missing out on
$22 million
in potential revenue per year!

RISK-FREE digital analysis of the past 12 months zero-balance accounts in as little as 2-3 weeks

Our Recovery Services Team ensures our proprietary digital analysis is easy & efficient, with minimal input needed from staff

Timelines for data retrieval, analysis, and recovery are followed throughout the project to keep you apprised of action steps and results

In addition to funds recovered, the analysis provides valuable intelligence in terms of contract updates and management, as well as payor-payee relations