Responding to Disasters
Task Force

FACR's philanthropic foundation, Wellness Wishes, is answering the call from our nation's First Responders with Task Force: Responding to Disasters.
REVOLUTIONIZING emergency medical services billing and recovery.
FUNDING much-needed disaster relief for departments.
Helping to REBUILD communities stronger and more resilient than ever.
Contact Us TODAY to see if your department or community qualifies for assistance!

Wellness Wishes and FACR is committed to rebuilding communities effected by recent disasters.
We hold your current billing vendors ACCOUNTABLE, providing TRANSPARENCY in emergency medical billing and revenue recovery efforts. Through a REVOLUTIONARY strategy, WW and FACR dramatically improve your bottom line while recovering lost revenue suffered at the hands of your current vendors.
FUNDS your department can access and utilize, as needed, immediately, propelling the REBUILDING of your stations and communities.
No cost. No risk. A task force committed to giving back to our nation's first responders.

Claims Billing and Recovery
in a seamless workflow
Funding Advisors Claims Recovery provides an effortless solution bringing much-needed revenue to our nation's emergency response organizations. FACR allows first responder departments that provide EMT/EMS and medical transport services to experience a seamless claims billing and recovery process, thus ensuring optimal reimbursement and the decrease of operational expenses, through more efficient workflow.
The result FACR delivers to emergency response organizations is not only protecting their bottom lines, but providing funding and resources to protect the health and well-being of our nation's first responders.
While FACR has pivoted to demonstrate a stronger presence with first responder departments, FACR continues to work with clients in the healthcare industry that are a good partnership fit.
After a period of reassessment of the organization's values, vision, mission and goals, FACR has chosen to focus primarily on our nation's first responder departments. It is in these exciting times that we bring departments a unique strategy in their claims billing and recovery efforts. FACR will still be working with healthcare clients, notably providers with a focus on serving first responders and veterans.

By driving better adherence to best practice...
and taking a more strategic approach… institutions could… improve by up to 6.4 percent of margin
The Advisory Board Company
June 27, 2017
The only constant in today’s emergency healthcare environment? Change.
Across the nation, healthcare policies, procedures and practices are changing - and so is the ability to keep up with claims billing and recovery strategies.
As an Emergency Response Department, how well are you keeping up with it?
Funding Advisors Claims Recovery provides emergency response departments and medical transport operations (land and air) with a simple, efficient strategy to streamline their billing and collections efforts, thus dramatically improving revenue and impacting the bottom line.

What We Do
Analyze your medical claims billing contracts, systems, process and collection data to determine the true viability of your revenue and recovery efforts.
Intelligence is then presented to demonstrate the strength of this revenue stream, along with customized solutions to implement a more sophisticated and measurable, thus profitable, billing and recovery system.

How It Works
A proprietary software, along with your own dedicated teams of consultants, specialists and professionals provide your department with a unique, streamlined process that maximizes the efficiency and profit margins of your claims billing collections - all within one efficient system. Your department has 2 teams working for you: Billing and Collections Team, and Recovery Team. Transfer is simple...Set up is simple...both are designed to minimize disruption for your staff. Turnaround time is minimal allowing your to dramatically increase and maximize your claims revenue within 30 days; and even recover lost and underpaid revenue going back 2 years or more.

Your Partner
Tracking and management of data is key. Your department will be partnered with a personal representative to review data at designated intervals. If there are issues in coding, processing or reporting on the EMT end, it's immediately identified and fixed. Gaps, weaknesses and any breakdown in claims to recovery efforts are fixed. You will see demonstrated and dramatic up-ticks in revenue collections compared with the past. We're in this together - no calling into a general number for questions or unresponsive requests. Transparency and accessibility. We're partnered together to ensure all claims are processed smoothly, without delay and received in FULL payment.

Funding At
Your Disposal
You will see a demonstrated increase in revenue immediately, putting your department in a more stable financial position, receiving claims revenue that you're rightly entitled to.
There's more. EMS billing vendors commonly accept denials and underpaid claims or non-paid claims without a fight. They then convert these issues to write-off's leading your department to believe you have a high collections ratio. Not only is this inaccurate and misleading, a large portion of those lost or "written off" claims can be recovered. FACR goes to bat for you with those past claims, giving your department access to large chunks of rerecovered and previously lost or written off claims revenue.

Funding Advisors is a foundation program of the non-profit, Wellness Wishes, an organization committed to the well-being of first responders (among other groups). In addition to the increased billing revenue, and past recovered chunks of money, FACR, through Wellness Wishes, always gives a piece of revenue through these relationships back to the departments themselves. Thus, putting more money in the hands of these departments and communities to be utilized where it's needed most.
Get in Touch
If you're ready to eliminate CONFUSION, FRUSTRATION and UNDERPAID medical billing claims - if you're ready for ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY, ready to MAXIMIZE medical billing claims income and generate MORE REVENUE for your department, contact us today to see if we're a good partnership fit.